Keswick Christian Camp Pricing

Price List 

Per night
  These prices include breakfast, lunch dinner, and accommodation.
Adult          $82.50
Aged 6-14   $70.50
Aged 3-5    $38.00
Infants        F.O.C.

(Upgrade to Units 12,13 & 14 with catered camp $40.00)

Per Weekend
  These prices include Friday night accommodation. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and accommodation - Saturday. Breakfast and Lunch - Sunday.
Adult          $138.50
Aged 6-14   $130.50
Aged 3-5     $48.50
Infants        F.O.C.

Long Weekend Prices
  3 days excludes Friday dinner. Includes Monday lunch.
Adults         $219.50
Aged 6-14   $192.00
Aged 3-5     $98.75
Infants        F.O.C.

Day Visitor and Meal Rates
Day visitors  $11.00 (For those visiting the site but not staying overnight)
Breakfast     $13.50
Lunch          $19.00
Dinner         $26.50

Not doing Kitchen Duties
$5 per person per day surcharge fee is required for groups not wishing to do kitchen duties. (Must be booked in advance)

Last Day Clean-up completed by Keswick staff
$15 per Guest for that day. (Must be booked in advance)

Sole Use
  If a group requests sole use of the campsite, there is a minimum charge of $7,500 per day or $15,000 per weekend.

$500.00 (Not refundable if the camp is canceled less than two weeks prior to the dates booked)

Use of Seminar room
$105.00 per day if booked with a catered camp
$208.00 per day or part thereof (includes heating, use of toilets, whiteboard)
Tea and coffee $4.50per person
Morning Tea or Afternoon Tea $10.00

Use of Auditorium
$265.00.00 per day if booked with a catered camp and numbers less than 100
$531.00 per day or part thereof.
Tea and coffee $5.00 per person
Morning Tea or Afternoon Tea $10.00

Accommodation Only
  Use of ensuites Units 12,13,14 and/or Hospitality flat.
$82.50 per night

Additional Prices

Damages to Property
Paid for as per damage

$20.00. for lost keys

Soap powder

Washing Machines and Driers
$2 per washing or drying load- cold water wash only.

Free of Charge

TV and Video
Sound Equipment
Data Projector
Email and Internet Charges